
Monday, October 1, 2018

Farewell to the Current Design Team and Guest Designers

As we welcome our new Design Team and Guest Designers this month for their six month term, Karen and I would like to take the time to give our past Design Team and Guest Designers a big thank you for all of their wonderful projects over the last six months. It has been a true pleasure working with each and everyone of them. 

We thought as a tribute to the team, we would share with you all, all of the projects that they've created over the last six months. Scroll through to see all of their fabulous projects by designer.

Cathy Potosky

Charlene Byrd

Dawn E


Erin Quiding-Sampson

Jessica Kaiser

Sandy McTier

Tracy Moreau

Tracy Sagriff

Words cannot express our gratitude to our past design team and guest designers for all of their projects! Karen and I look forward to keeping up with you in blog land. 

Stay tuned next week as the new Design Team and Guest Designers start sharing their projects.

- Katelyn and Karen


  1. Beautiful work on all the projects, Ladies :) I truly enjoyed seeing all the entries <3

  2. everything looks great, some big shoes to fill!
