
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Every Day is Coffee Day with Sandy McTier

Hi Y’all!!

When I was newly married and living in Okinawa, Japan I learned to drink coffee. I say ‘learn’ because I never really liked the taste of it up to that point in my life. I worked in a Japanese/English Language School and helped young Japanese school kids with their conversational English. The owner of the school was a big coffee drinker and, rather than offering any of the wonderful Japanese teas you could get throughout the country, only offered coffee – strong, black coffee at that, with lots of sugar! I use the word ‘offered’ lightly because I really didn’t have a choice – he poured it and gave it to you; it would have been disrespectful not to drink it. So… that is where and when my love for coffee began – LOL! It’s the first thing I can’t wait to smell and taste each morning too – but it’s not black – I can assure you of that!

When I saw this SRTC “Every day is coffee day” chipboard piece, I couldn’t wait to make a piece of coffee art for my kitchen! Here’s how I did it, and I hope it inspires you to create one as well!
The surface is a tall wooden coffee cup available from Creative Arts Lifestyle. I painted it with Multi-Purpose Sealer and let it dry. Next, I painted a coat of Light Buttermilk over the cup and let it dry. Then I stenciled the Classic Quatrefoil pattern on using a stencil brush and Quinacridone Gold. Let dry.
TIP: Load the brush with paint, wipe the excess off on a paper towel and, using a light circular motion, brush over stencil.  

Using a dry, large foam brush, I painted the chipboard with White Gesso; then let it dry. I tapped the gesso on and then lightly brushed it to avoid build up between the letters. I painted the mug with Cobalt Turquoise Hue and then let it dry. Next, I loaded the large foam brush with Cobalt Teal Hue and painted the words; then let it dry. I mixed some Cobalt Teal Hue and Titanium White together, wiped the excess paint off onto a paper towel and stenciled over the mug. 

I shaded along the edges of the cup using an Angle brush and Raw Umber. Then I shaded along the edges of the chipboard mug with Paynes Grey. 

I added a shadow on the letters using a black Identi-Pen. You could also use black paint and a liner brush. Then I highlighted the letters with Titanium White.
I laid the chipboard in place on the wooden cup and traced inside the opening of the cup. I removed the chipboard and painted the oval shape in with a mixture of Raw Umber a touch of Titanium White. Then I shaded around the edges of the oval with Raw Umber and let it dry. I added some ripples on the coffee using an Angle brush and Titan Buff.
Next, I added white highlights on the mug. Using an Angle brush, I shaded inside and underneath the handle and underneath the bottom of the mug with Paynes Grey.

Finally, I added highlights on the main cup surface using Titan Buff.

To finish, I glued the chipboard piece to the surface using E6000 glue. I let everything dry completely and then sealed the piece with Soft-Touch Varnish. 

I hope this inspires you to create some Coffee Art today! 

Southern Ridge Trading Company Supplies Used:

Other Supplies Used:

- Surface: Tall Coffee Cup #WDSF1130_3 (Available from
- DecoArt Multi: Purpose Sealer
- DecoArt Americana Décor Stencil: Classic Quatrefoil
- M2 Stencil: M2-3 (Available from
- DecoArt Americana Acrylics: Light Buttermilk
- DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics: Quinacridone Gold, Raw Umber, Cobalt Turquoise Hue, Cobalt Teal Hue, Paynes Grey, Titan Buff and Titanium White.
- DecoArt Media White Gesso & Soft Touch Varnish
- Dynasty Brushes: 1” Faux Sable, 1/2" Angle, 1/4" Angle, IPC Large Foam Brush and Tracy Moreau Stencil brushes (Small/Med) (Available from – use promo code: sandymc for an additional discount)
- Other Supplies: E6000 & Black Identi-Pen

©2018 Every Day Is Coffee Day, Sandy McTier Designs ~ all rights reserved

Y’all have a GREAT day; Happy Creating!! 

 - Sandy

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