
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Starfish Scallops with Sandy McTier

Hi Y’all!!

I know SPRING just arrived but many of you still have snow on the ground. Hopefully this project will let you daydream of an escape to the beach!!

There’s always been something about the beach that speaks to my soul. There is a calmness that comes over me when my toes are in the sand and my feet are in the water. When I got the Southern Ridge Trading Company Starfish and Scallop Shells, I knew I had to create a seascape just for them!

As I started painting, I was flooded with wonderful childhood memories! They spoke to my heart; my heart spoke to my brushes and ta-da… the results! So for just a moment, I hope you’ll look at the picture, then close your eyes and escape to a secluded beach, feeling the sun on your face and the sand between your toes while enjoying the wonderful starfish and scallop shells!  

My palette inspiration came from the new 2017 acrylic colours by DecoArt! I mixed them in with a few of my other favourite colours and then finished it off with DecoArt’s New Vintage Effect Wash in White to give everything a soft, subtle tone. Can’t wait to hang this in my home as I wait for summer to arrive! I love that the SRTC scallops and starfish come in a variety of sizes so that I can create additional projects using the bits I didn’t use for this piece.

Surface:  This project is painted on a panel wood surface; however, you could paint it on a piece of reclaimed wood or canvas, or even RocLon and make it into a garden flag.

I sealed the surface, let it dry and gave it a light sanding. Even though I did this, I didn’t want to use my good brushes to put on the initial base colours. I used a large bristle brush, the Large Joiner, by Dynasty; it’s in their Urban FX line. It worked great working the colour into the surface and blending from colour to colour. I also used a pretty wet brush, wiping off in between colours.

I love pinks and purples in the sky, often referring to them as ‘cotton candy skies’ ~ they’re just so yummy!! Started at the top with Brilliant Purple and then, appropriately enough, Cotton Candy. I added some Primary Magenta and Titanium White to soften the pinks and continued that down to the horizon line. I used Bright Blue at the horizon line and added Laguna and Titanium White as I continued to paint down to the sand. I added more white and a touch of the pinks to finish the bottom of the surface. I painted a few waves, some soft clouds and a lone seagull flying above the water. I painted a wash of Vintage Effect Wash – White over the entire surface to tone everything down and then wiped it back with a paper towel. I also added some Metallic Lustre to the waves and foam for some added shine!

I knew that the shell and starfish were going to be in the sand somewhere but wasn’t quite sure what else it needed. I kept hearing the word ‘Calm’ so I grabbed a stencil and added it, then added ‘Drift’ and ‘Beach’ and finally stenciled on the boat.

TIP: If you’re not quite sure where you want to stencil something, stencil it onto a piece of transparency. That way you can lay it down where you think you might want it and move it around to find the best place! 

The scallop shell needed very little to bring out the beautiful and intricate curves. I loaded a wet brush with a little bit of blue paint and White Frost Metallic Lustre and brushed over the surface. Then I painted the starfish with the pinks and painted white dots using a stylus. Before gluing them in place, I splattered some White all over the sand and then varnished the project with Soft Touch Varnish. I used a toothpick to add the E6000 glue on the back of the starfish and scallop shell and set them in the sand.

I hope this inspires you to create a soft, calm seascape and a beautiful place for your starfish and scallop shells to call home J Happy Creating!

Southern Ridge Trading Company Supplies Used:

- Starfish (set of 3)
- Scallop Shells (set of 3)

Other Supplies Used:

- Surface: Bear With Us ( 2868-3 Panel Fence Board
- DecoArt Americana Acrylics
- DecoArt Americana Multi-Purpose Sealer
- DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics
- DecoArt Media Matte Medium
- DecoArt Vintage Effect Wash
- DecoArt Metallic Lustre – White Frost
- DecoArt Media Soft-Touch Varnish
- E6000 Glue
- Dynasty Brushes (Available from – use promo code: sandymc for an additional discount)
©2017 Seaside, Sandy McTier Designs ~ all rights reserved

Y’all have a GREAT day!!
– Sandy